Tonight we had visitors, twice. Somebody (not me) forgot a garbage bag on the ground yesterday and two gangs of lions and one of hyenas had a garbage fiesta only meters from where we all slept. Nobody dared go out to chase them off. Birds are feasting on the remains when the sun rise and we come out to greet the new day. Off we go, today to Maun which is a tourist hub for all sort of safari activities in Botswana. Our Nissan still works fine and we are getting used to the bumpiness. Heat strikes around 10 am. My guess is just under 40 C, in the shade. Poor Roland sits on the sunny side, but he's got dark skin and can handle it better than me. For a couple of hours, then he switch place with the even more dark skinned O. Worst road is just before arriving to Maun. It's like riding a giant washboard. Good massage for all inner organs. We arrive at a hotel. It looks just wonderful. Now temperature is a bit above 40. The plan is to put us on a camp ground that belongs to this hotel. No thank you, the decision is very easy to make. We upgrade to an air conditioned (did I mentioned before that AC was cheating, just changed my mind) room and spend the rest of the afternoon just cooling of.

Birds in their red mating dresses. And a permanent blue one. Sorry, no names.
The tiniest antelope of them all is the Steenbok
Look at the working body position. S could stand like that for hours.
Morning teamwork getting the truck ready
Buffalo encounter on evening game drive